Pilot Program - Entrepreneur Immigration - Banner Image
Pilot Program - Entrepreneur Immigration - Banner Image

Entrepreneur Immigration

Program Objective

Working with regional communities, this pilot is intended to attract entrepreneurs to participating regional communities to establish new businesses that align with the communities’ economic development priorities.

Processing Times
  • Application decisions are typically made within 4 months.
  • 12 months after issuance of a work permit

Program Eligibility

  • Work Experience Requirements - At least either 3+ years of experience as a business owner-manager, OR, 4+ years of experience as a senior manager, OR, a combination of 1+ year of experience as a business owner-manager and 2+ years of experience as a senior manager.
  • Job Offer Requirements - Must create at least one full-time equivalent job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada
  • Education Requirements - Obtained a post-secondary credential, OR, experience as an active business owner-manager for at least 3 of the last 5 years with 100% ownership in the business.
  • Language  Requirements - Minimum of CLB 4 equivalent in English or French. Must submit copy of valid language proficiency test at registration.
  • Funds or Investment Requirements - Minimum $100,000

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